직장인 영어공부/직장인 영어공부 [장문]

직장인 영어공부[장문] - 1

지동킴 2023. 3. 27. 21:04


안면도의 아름다운 수목이다. 사진은 기지포 해수욕장이다.



세상이 참 좋아졌다. chatGPT가 영어공부도 시켜준다.

아이엘츠 공부하게 장문 예시 하나 만들어달라고 하면 뚝딱 만들어준다.

나는 그저 이것을 받아다가 읽으면 된다. 너무 좋은 세상....




A Memorable Experience of My Life: Winning a National Science Competition

When I was in high school, I participated in a national science competition. The competition required a team of three students to research and present a solution to a real-world problem using science and engineering principles. Our team had a month to research, design, and build a prototype of our solution.

We spent countless hours in the lab, working on our project, conducting experiments, and troubleshooting.

We faced several challenges along the way, such as equipment failures and design flaws, but we persevered and continued to refine our prototype.

Finally, the day of the competition arrived. Our team was nervous, but we were confident in our solution. We presented our project to the judges, explaining our research and the science behind our solution. We also demonstrated how our prototype worked, highlighting its features and benefits.

After all the teams had presented, the judges announced the winners. Our team was ecstatic to hear that we had won first place! It was an incredible feeling of accomplishment and pride. We had worked hard and had been recognized for our efforts.

Winning the competition was not just a victory for our team, but also for our school and community. We received recognition and accolades from our peers, teachers, and local media. It was a moment that we would never forget.

This experience taught me the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and dedication. It also showed me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. I am grateful for this opportunity and will cherish this memory for the rest of my life.


한 학생이 국가과학경진대회에서 1등을 해서 감격스럽다 뭐 그런 이야기다.

직장인이라면 일단은 술술 읽을테지만 어쩌다 모르는 단어가 튀어나오는건 어쩔 수 없다.

모르는 단어를 체크하여 공부하자.



A Memorable Experience of My Life: Winning a National Science Competition

When I was in high school, I participated in a national science competition. The competition required a team of three students to research and present a solution to a real-world problem using science and engineering principles. Our team had a month to research, design, and build a prototype of our solution.

We spent countless hours in the lab, working on our project, conducting experiments, and troubleshooting. We faced several challenges along the way, such as equipment failures and design flaws, but we persevered and continued to refine our prototype.

Finally, the day of the competition arrived. Our team was nervous, but we were confident in our solution. We presented our project to the judges, explaining our research and the science behind our solution. We also demonstrated how our prototype worked, highlighting its features and benefits.

After all the teams had presented, the judges announced the winners. Our team was ecstatic to hear that we had won first place! It was an incredible feeling of accomplishment and pride. We had worked hard and had been recognized for our efforts.

Winning the competition was not just a victory for our team, but also for our school and community. We received recognition and accolades from our peers, teachers, and local media. It was a moment that we would never forget.

This experience taught me the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and dedication. It also showed me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. I am grateful for this opportunity and will cherish this memory for the rest of my life.


이 장문에서 모르는 단어가 다섯개나 튀어나왔다!

이제 이 단어들은 보카에서 다시 복습될 것이다.

오늘의 단어


1. principles 원칙

2. troubleshooting 고장수리

3. flaws 결함

4. accomplishment 업적, 공적

5. accolades 포상, 칭찬

이런 식으로 여기 장문에서 한 번, 보카에서 한 번.

언어는 한두번 보기만 해도 절반정도는 기억에 남는다. 꾸준함이 열쇠가 된다.
